About Type II

This advanced typography course refines skills in digital fonts, responsive typography, and layout design. 

Typography II, an extension of the foundational Type I course, propels students further into the intricacies of design. Building on their magazine projects from Type I, students undergo a transformative journey, transitioning their print publications into dynamic eMagazine websites. This advanced course challenges participants to craft compelling banners and engaging social media ads, honing their skills in digital communication.

A highlight of Typography II is the opportunity for students to create their own functional font, providing a tangible and personalized element to their typographic repertoire. This immersive experience equips students with the versatile skills needed to excel in the dynamic landscape of contemporary design.

“Evolution is the essence of growth; by embracing change and continuously evolving, we unlock the potential to create work that surpasses our own expectations.”

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Nullam vitae semper ipsum. Suspendisse a congue velit. Proin in ex eget ex commodo sagittis at sit amet lorem. Quisque eget ipsum id lectus condimentum tristique. Vestibulum facilisis sapien risus, quis dictum neque volutpat in. Nulla rhoncus massa leo, malesuada posuere odio consectetur non. Morbi tempus tempor venenatis. Nunc nec neque arcu. Donec placerat et odio a pharetra.

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

The Magazine

Crafting Excellence: Magazine Enhancement through Revisions and Brand Evolution

In the Magazine Evolution, students embark on a transformative journey, critically analyzing and enhancing the work initiated in Type I. This phase is an opportunity for constructive self-critique, where the entire magazine undergoes meticulous revision, evolving into a refined and superior version. A key highlight is the integration of a font crafted during the course, seamlessly setting the tone as the heading font for the entire magazine. This synthesis of critical evaluation, revision, and personalized typographic elements contributes to the magazine’s evolution, demonstrating the students’ commitment to elevating their creative abilities.

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Font Creation

From Concept to Character: Crafting Unique Fonts

In the Font Creation segment of Typography II, students design their own unique typefaces. This hands-on experience allows each student to tailor their font to complement the aesthetics of their magazine. Through a meticulous process, participants hone their skills in letterform design, spacing, and overall typography craftsmanship. The culmination of this is not merely a conceptual exercise; students complete the course with a functional font that aligns seamlessly with their magazine’s visual identity. This versatile outcome empowers students to utilize, share, or even commercialize their custom-designed typefaces, showcasing the practicality and marketable value of their typographic creations.

Read the Blogs

Our Mission

Mission & values

Vestibulum porta neque et ligula fringilla pharetra. Etiam eleifend ultricies nulla, in viverra velit. Praesent ac nisl volutpat, eleifend neque in, ultrices dui. Sed sagittis eu purus et pretium. Fusce et molestie tellus.

Our History


Vestibulum porta neque et ligula fringilla pharetra. Etiam eleifend ultricies nulla, in viverra velit. Praesent ac nisl volutpat, eleifend neque in, ultrices dui. Sed sagittis eu purus et pretium. Fusce et molestie tellus.

The Teaching


The Blog
