Students meticulously refine their portfolio and build a personal brand to showcase their best work.
In the Advanced Design Practicum, seniors embark on a comprehensive journey to prepare for their professional debut. This transformative course goes beyond design skills, guiding students in crafting a robust marketing plan and defining their ethical framework.
Participants dive into the intricacies of the design process and navigate essential aspects of entering the professional realm. From understanding adulting responsibilities to honing interview skills, students gain a holistic perspective on the industry. The course culminates in the development of a multifaceted portfolio, meticulously curated in printed, digital, and social formats, ensuring graduates not only showcase their design prowess but also demonstrate readiness for the challenges of their inaugural professional roles.
“New beginnings are the spark of endless possibilities.”
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“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”
Identity Unveiled: Crafting Students Personal Brands
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Epitome of Excellence: Seniors Shine in Culminating Showcase
The Senior Showcase marks the grand culmination of the semester, where students transform the culmination of their hard work into a visual feast for the community and potential employers. This dynamic event goes beyond a traditional exhibition as students meticulously design giveaways and promotional items, adding an extra layer of creativity to their showcase. The atmosphere is electric as each student meticulously crafts their table setup, showcasing not only their design prowess but also their unique style and personality. It’s a night where the essence of their journey is encapsulated, creating an immersive experience for all attendees to witness the evolution of these emerging talents.
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Mission & values
Vestibulum porta neque et ligula fringilla pharetra. Etiam eleifend ultricies nulla, in viverra velit. Praesent ac nisl volutpat, eleifend neque in, ultrices dui. Sed sagittis eu purus et pretium. Fusce et molestie tellus.
Vestibulum porta neque et ligula fringilla pharetra. Etiam eleifend ultricies nulla, in viverra velit. Praesent ac nisl volutpat, eleifend neque in, ultrices dui. Sed sagittis eu purus et pretium. Fusce et molestie tellus.